From 28/02 to 14/03, bring your old shoes and handbags to Delcambe and we will give them a second life. In collaboration with Oxfam.
For each pair of shoes you bring back to the store between 28/02 and 14/03, you will get a 15% discount (not cumulative) on your entire sales receipt* (valid without minimum purchase).
So take advantage of it!
* 1 voucher per customer for old shoes and handbags from 28/02/2025 to 14/03/2025. Voucher valid until 31/03/2025 on the entire collection. Discounts cannot be combined. Excluding current promotions, cleaning products and insoles.
1 in 3 people in the world live in poverty. Oxfam is determined to change this situation by mobilizing citizen power against poverty. Oxfam België/Belgium fights against inequality and for economic justice as a movement of actively engaged volunteers, supporters and citizens working together for the social change we seek here and around the world.
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